Abigail's Web Dog

Welcome to Homework Central! Here you can get help with your homework, ask me questions (relating to homework) and explore Homework Central. At Homework Central we have many, many more things than just help for your homework. This part of the website will also be under construction for a while just like the Videos section of the website is. Until main completion, enjoy what little there is here right now!!!

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The things I'd be able to help you with most, are Science and Language Arts/ English. I can also help you with some Spanish tasks, but I'd do much better with the ones listed above. Although I am currently taking Algebra, I'd be able to help you with that a bit. But I'd probably be more helpful with pre-Algebra.

If you are looking for more advanced help than I am currently offering, then go to http://www.factmonster.com/ ! It is a great place to learn about so many things and have fun!

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